Zeolite L3.0 | SBID = 2200 | Framework | Custom Molecule

Struc Structure

Framework Properties
Interactions: 55
Si/Al Ratio: 3.0
Counter ion: sodium(1+)
Name: Zeolite L
Code: LTL
Iza url: https://europe.iza-structure.org/IZA-SC/framework.php?STC=LTL
Crystal system: hexagonal
Space group: P 6/m m m (#191)
Unit cell a: 18.126
Unit cell b: 18.126
Unit cell c: 18.126
Unit cell alpha: 90.0 °
Unit cell beta: 90.0 °
Unit cell gamma: 120.0 °
Volume: 2153.1 ų
Framework density FDSi: 16.7 T/1000 ų
Topological density TD: 0.619048
Topological density TD10: 746.0
Ring sizes (# T-atoms): [12, 8, 6, 4]
Channel dimensionality: 3-dimensional
Max diameter of a sphere that can be included: 10.1
Max diameter of a sphere that can diffuse along a: 2.08
Max diameter of a sphere that can diffuse along b: 2.08
Max diameter of a sphere that can diffuse along c: 7.5
Accessible volume: 15.37 %


  • Tags: framework
  • Name: Zeolite L3.0
  • Code: Zeolite L3.0