1-phenylpyrrolidine-2,5-dione | SBID = 2347 | Compound | Pubchem logo

Struc Structure

Molecular Properties

Interactions: 1
PubChem TPSA/Å2: 37.4
Ertl TPSA/Å2: 37.38
Hydrophilicity (PubChem XLogP): 0.1
Hydrophilicity (Cheng XLogP3): 0.06
Charge: 0.0
Number of H-Bond Donors: 0.0
Number of H-Bond Acceptors: 2.0
Number of Stereogenic Bonds (E/Z): 0.0
Number of Stereogenic Atoms (R/S): 0.0
3D Volume/Å3: 137.6
Sum Formula: C10H9NO2
M / g/mol: 175.18
Complexity: 215.0
Number of Conformers: 1.0


  • Tags:
  • Name: 1-phenylpyrrolidine-2,5-dione
  • Preferred Abbreviation: N-Phenylsuccinimide
  • IUPAC Name: 1-phenylpyrrolidine-2,5-dione
  • CAS:
  • CID: 66519
  • InChi: InChI=1S/C10H9NO2/c12-9-6-7-10(13)11(9)8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-5H,6-7H2
  • CanoSmiles: C1CC(=O)N(C1=O)C2=CC=CC=C2
  • IsoSmiles: C1CC(=O)N(C1=O)C2=CC=CC=C2